
Thursday, 10 October 2013

In which we come upon Le French Lingo and are left suitably impressed

First of, seeing as the intent of this blog was to cover "beauty, books, and baby" let me address the book part. A fat congrats to all Canadians; Alice Munro, Nobel Prize winner! I have a dim recollection of reading some of her books, but here is an opportunity to revisit them (in se-lay-bra-see-yon!).

 Speaking of Canadian writers, my new FAVOURITE one...Robertson Davies! Pure class.

Possessor of the finest Wikipedia photograph, a splendid beard, and wit to match.

 Perhaps it's too soon to rave, I only happened upon his book serendipitously at the library. It's the last one in a trilogy, A Mixture of Frailties, and really, needs no lead-up. C'est perfect on it's own. (C'est, you see? Subtly snuck that in, didn't I? Nearly missed it, didn't cha?)

(J'ai MORE.)
Petit. Chien. Woof.

(Bask in the Frenchness. Let it wash over you leaving but a gently undulating redolence in its wake. Ah me. Oh my. Sacre bleu. Etc)

 It is one of those cases where you can sense the author's skill from the first page. Amusing, interesting, insightful. Looked him up. He's won the Stephen Leacock Memorial wonder I love his style! Stephen Leacock was only the best humour writer evvvvaarrr! #FANGIRL4LYF

Ok. Back to business. Nude li....
Ahhh what the hell. Let's leave this as is and save the warpaint frivolity for another post.

Mais oui. ANOTHER PHOTO. Because I like the cut of his jib. So what? It's my blog. Wanna make somethin' of it? Back off you...untidy ruffian, you.

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