
Friday 27 September 2013

Benefit Big Beautiful Eyes

Baby crying? Yes, mama.
All night long? Yes mama.
 Tooth's come out? No mama.
 Open your mouth. Ha, ha, ha!

Recently, Delightful Glory (names have been changed to protect the innocent) has been the victim of sore gums, tummy troubles, and sleepless nights.
Two of his teeth have come out, a mouthful to go! He looks so adorable with tiny white specks of teeth! Almost a grown-up! Ahhhh!

Teething pains mean that I am constantly tired, struggling to get his quota of solid foods and formula into him, and the nights are worse. Sleep is elusive for both of us.

 Doesn't affect his energy, he is as active as ever, and being a Beautiful Bumpkin of Love and Light, he will never look tired.
Those beautiful eyes will be as soulful, sweet, and mesmerizing as ever.

Me on the other hand....i need HELP. Haaaaaaaaaalp. I look like the before, pasted on any plastic surgeon's office. I need an after! I need an after badly!

Skinwise, it's easy. Come on! There are a myriad of makeup tricks (mixing luminizers into foundation, strategic placement of blush, 3-shape of bronzer) to revive the SKIN.

But the red-rimmed, sullen, tired eyes are the giveaway. It's so hard to brighten them up without looking overdone (the: hello, i am trying to distract you with my blue eyeshadow look) or underdone and not doing much.

This, my friends, my dear, dear friends-Petunia, Jemima, and Delilah S--is where Benefit's glorious Big Beautiful Eyes palette comes in.
Never has a name been more promising. Happily, 'tis also apt.

Firstly it comes with a mediocre concealer, in shade 02. This may or may not work for the undereye circles. My guess is, it won't. It may work as a peachy-orange corrector (under the concealer) depending.

As an eyeshadow base, and to cover up the brownish, purplish, discoloured eyelids that come with being a mother--for that, I say: tis a boon. A blessing. "Jolly useful, wot!" I suggest to use it all over, for a better, brighter canvas. Wot wot.

Now. (Wot). I say! Other shades. Ah. Ah yes. Oh me oh my. The lightest colour goes all over, esp the inner corners. Medium colour to gave extra (but soft) haze of definition in the crease (go a tad ABOVE the crease and blend upwards). Darkest matte colour as a soft liner or outer-V shadow.

The amazing thing about these eyeshadows: the shimmer is fine but not shimmy-and-shake-it shimmer. It is just a glow.

A soft, light glow.
A slight pinkish hue that also manages to seem taupe.
It brings subtle light to the eyes.
Light means life, as the ghost of my neglected houseplant will tell you. Exactly what a tired woman prays for before fainting into a crumpled heap on top of a pile of laundry.

The brushes that come with it are, again, 'jolly useful' in a pinch. There is an eyeliner brush, a small fluffy brush that works for the crease, and a small concealer brush that I use to pinpoint and conceal blemishes. Glorious compared to the stupid Dior applicators, wot.

This can work with various eyeliners. Two I highly recommend: Lise Watier eye shine in Fauve. Luminous taupe that defines eyes subtly if you don't fancy an 'eyeliner' look.
And...drumroll s'il vous plait... Stila Lionfish. This is a pricier dupe of MAC teddy, but lasts longer, smudges out easily for 20 sec, and then sets. MAC teddy never sets.

So. That's about it for the review. I also want to tell you about loads of other things, so expect another post in hour? (If you are heartbreakingly naive).

Thanks for reading, gals and crickets.
And Jemima, please make an organic version of your pancake mix. Thanks, doll. And Petunia, you need to put on some blush, hun. You seem to be withering away!

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