
Thursday, 31 July 2014

I told a disgusting excuse for a human being that....

1. the article she was using to claim that Hamas was launching rockets on its own, was totally biased as the source of the 'information' was...dun dun dun...IDF. That's like Paul Bernardo being treated as a bystanding witness for himself, in court, and claiming it was someone else. 
In order for the analogy to be perfect,
that is like Paul Bernardo claiming that his victim stabbed herself repeatedly while attempting to stab him.

2. There were plenty of articles and evidence in the past about IDF's usage of this practice (using Palestinians as 'shields') evidence for the reverse being true.

3. Eyewitness accounts inc. medics, journalists, that rockets were IDF's and IDF was targeting children (yet again) ---

Her response? 'They  must be Hamas!' 
2nd response? "They want to perpetuate terrorist ideology and another Holocaust!"
Why would they want to do that...they're literally risking their lives to provide news coverage, or humanitarian aid, or medical help.
Why would that justify or excuse killing children?? 

I told an Israeli woman that Israel has broken 77 UN resolutions prior to this conflict, that they have a history of breaking ceasefires and claiming 'the opponent did it!' (ceasefires are purely for show for IDF), etc. 

Her response? 
'UN sanctions are CREATED to be broken! Their phrasing and such.' 
2nd response?
'all the countries like to turn on Israel, such as Muslim nations like Pakistan and Lebanon! It's not Israel's fault!'

Her response to the mounting Palestinian death toll?
'Every nation makes mistakes.'

'The present map of Palestine was drawn by the British mandate. The Jewish people have another map which our youth and adults should strive to fulfill -- from the Nile to the Euphrates.' -David Ben Gurion

Is it any wonder that PM Net.'s psychiatrist committed suicide? This is the type of insanity and wilful blindness she was dealing with. This is Zionism. 


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