
Wednesday, 19 March 2014

What Gotu K. and Gingko B. Canst Do For Thee

"Hurrah! Hurrah! It's a holi-holi-day! With lots of fun, for Baby's mum, it's a holi-holi-day! Yay!"
This is the ditty I dance to, whenever El Cute-o Pablo decides to forsake the joy of his new Jeep, for a snooze.

 Not a doozy of a snooze, mind, as all Littles know, Sleep is the ENEMY of the Young and the Restless...(disappointed, I would've thought that soap would be about babies. Rival babies, jolly babies, babies smashing their chubby hands into decadent raspberry pies, then smearing it on the walls. Baby giggles, that reek of sadism, as they watch their landlord screech and clutch at the last tuft of hair on his balding pate! Drama...action...cuteness...pies! I would watch that.)

Also, all this tea has nary made a DENT in my drowsiness. And yet...I continue to prosper!

"Do tell what your secret is being, if you please?" asks Pompeii Reigns Supreme, the youngest in the class, but carrying a heavy name that promises seething, volcanic intelligence, that may one day erupt and destroy us all!!!!! (Or is it ambition?)

Well, Pompeii Reigns Supreme, my pink-cheeked, formidably named one, I shall.


Pills of these. From Nature's Sunshine, but would not any brand fare as well? Of course, their gingko swears it's in a slow release formula, but...choose what you will! This isn't an autocracy. I am benevolent to all! ('Cept kitten kickers. Sloth stranglers. You getst the gist.)

So pills. Non-illegal. I've been taking these (1 gingko, 2 gotu) and requiring far less tea, my focus has improved, the exhaustion does not detract from my stupendous performance as a Cook of Great Calibre. No eggshells in the omelette, etc.

There is a marked difference, from the days when, in a fit of scientific frenzy brought on by reading Brian Greene's books, I don't take 'em.

Placebo? Gazebo.


 Brought to you by Colgate--'why smile when you haven't brushed your teeth yet? You lazy bastard, you.' Now available in a wide variety of toddler-friendly flavours: Dora, Boots, Swiper, and the Map, the Map, the Map, the Map, the Map, the MAAAAAAAAP.

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