This post is being hastily written, with Dora the Explorer playing in the background.
Do make allowances if I accidentally drop in phrases like "Mommy Bugga Bugga," or it reads as a bit distracted. I will likely dawdle over editing and hit the publish button, regardless.
I haven't even had breakfast yet, having serendipitously caught a moment when El Bambino has (temporarily) availed of my services. This is magic, people.
Et bien! ONWARDS!
After trying out AOM's matte eyeshadow (nutmeg) as a bronzer yesterday, I realized it is, in fact, perfectly suited for the purpose. Which meant my current go-to matte bronzer was no to put this...necessary? *eyebrow raise and devious grin*
(You can't tell, but it had an imprinted design of female silhouettes, coolly slouching. I have used it so much, it has faded)
Essence Bronzer in Blondes (avoid the Brunettes shade, no matter thy colouring! It is quite, quite orange).
This brand make good staples, an excellent go-to for cheap thrills that deliver. However, there was always something lacking about this guy, for me. The powder is finely milled and almost buttery. Softly sun-soaked effet.
Yet! It wore off patchily over the course of the day (as my FOTD from the other day demonstrates). Made me look old! Washed up! Hag-y! Haggis!
Even initial application wasn't quite foolproof, blending was a bugger.
And remember: my AOM goodies were homeless.
Two and two made them a home. Un MAISON.
*music plays: ghar pyara ghar*
1. Walk, bike, or hitch-hike to the dollar store. (2 Riyal store, for those of you living in Devonshire Riyadh.) If this requires roping in an innocent bystander your significant other to mind L'Enfante and possibly wash the dishes, if you want, here's a sponge--so be it! Stiff upper lip and all that.
2. Acquire an adhesive magnetic sheet. Mine came in sets of two.
3. Acquire other, irrelevant goods. After all, what is a dollar store, if not a veritable treasure trove, spilling with the most interesting doohickies that can be TURNED INTO SOMETHING NEW!?!
4. Make your purchase. Ooh, they sell Nivea at the counter? Have that too.
Now...go home, you're drunk. On dollar store excitement.
5. Whatever container you plan to use for your palette, take out whatever's filling it. Heartlessly, I scraped out the bronzer into the bin. 'Twas also cleaned off with rubbing alcohol just in case.
6. Trace an outline of the container onto the adhesive magnet sheet, and cut it. You are making a magnetic insert. This may need fine-tuning. Trim and trim till it fits inside. If you possess a compass (I don't), make use of it NOW. It'll save you a lot of fiddling around.
7. Peel off and stick inside.
8. Done. So simple. Just insert your depotted or individual eyeshadows. I scraped off the writing, and decorated with some paint pens I had lying around. They are nearly dried out, so it didn't show up too well.
As you can see, only four could fit in. Bare Canvas had to be left out! The AOM shades are rather large compared to, say, MAC. By the by, je repressed Hush (the soft rose shade) aussi.
This container is strong, sturdy, and the end result is a palette that will keep my pretties safe!
Time spent: less than 30 minutes, including the time it took to repress the broken eyeshadow (for which I followed this brilliant/amazing tutorial by my fave beauty blogger. No glycerin for repressing, btw...just the Isopropyl Alc.).
It would have taken less, but Littlest demanded attention & applause during his meal of chicken and peas. And of course, I am not factoring in the time squandered at my beloved Dollarama.
Total cost: $5.50, not counting the lapsing paint pens, of course. There is also 1 1/2 magnetic sheet left so I can make another, bigger palette in future.
If you try this out, do leave a comment to the effect of: "I did it! I did it! I did it! Yay! Lo Hicimos! I did it!"*
*Obligatory Dora reference
Artist of Makeup DOES sell palettes, but the smallest size is for 9 shades.. I wanted something even smaller.